If it's on a widget or about a widget, it's here

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Widgets and the Brand of You

FACEBOOK, MySpace, OpenSocial, Twitter, Jaiku, Xanga, Flickr, Friendster, LiveJournal ...Social networks have made our personalities, our private lives, a new brand. Updating your brand can rival a full-time job.

Widgets help manage your personal brand online. If you run a blog, you can put a blidget on each of your other sites, but that only links your social profiles to your blog, not instantly updates each individually.

Zude has acquired the reputation of being the Switzerland of the social networking sites by the blogosphere for its ability to compile, view and link all of your other profiles, blogs and personalities into your one Zude profile. But it's new widget reverses the process and allows you to update your status in ONE place, and instantly be updated everywhere, from Facebook to Flickr.

Whether being able to constantly update the entire world (or at least your gigantic network of e-"friends") of your constant location changes and mood swings is a good thing we'll leave to debate somewhere else. For better or worse, widgets are letting us broadcast ourselves in cyberspace in a more instantaneous way than ever before.

This widget is unusual because it's function reverse of what other brilliant, useful widgets are. Most widgets pull information from various sources, repackage it and pile it into one widgety-delicious package. The Zude widget takes one source and distributes it to multiple sites.

If a widget can do all that for measely you and I, imagine what it could do for corporations with a lot more time and money to devote (Zude offers options to create family, group and business profiles) With a new ease of updating, those who sell can increase their Web presence, personalize how they sell themselves to each site or market, all while keeping the ease-of-maintenance.

But until then, Zude must be satisfied with selling you to the masses.

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