If it's on a widget or about a widget, it's here

Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Dangers of Widget Use

MY dashboard has become a widget orgy. Everywhere you look, there's widgets on top of widgets. Speech bubbles cover up the silly Virtual Pet I downloaded only to make fun of in a previous post, but now find myself addicted to. When Yahoo! Widgets is up, it's even worse.

I might have too many widgets. A few weeks ago, I would have told you that such a thing is impossible, but now I've come to think it is. There's so much clutter, I can't actually use the widgets. The BBC tracker is essentially useless: by the time I find it and start reading, on of the interactive ones beeps or pops up and needs attention, or I get distracted by the fish aquarium.

I'm going to have to start detoxing on the widgets. It's not going to be easy.

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John Edwards Jott Widget

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Not-for-work Widget of the Day, 11/18

White Fence widget: Getting the job done

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Not for Work Widget of the Day 11/21