If it's on a widget or about a widget, it's here

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Not-for-work Widget of the Day

The Confession Booth

OH, sweet anonymity. Wait...actually, make that sweet broadcast your uncomfortably personal confession to everyone who has this widget(ity).

Distrubuted by Apple and developed by the folks at the now defunct (hmm, wonder why) Zerobased Design, this dashboard widget makes the list for its uuber-creepiness. Each confession is labeled with a date and "Confessed to Priest Clay" (or Marco...they seem to be hearing quite a few, these two).

The first confession I saw when I downloaded: "Plz post more sex stories. I want to get ..." I'll let you fill in the rest. And that was one of the cleaner ones.

Why not at work?
Because your coworkers will invariably catch a glimpse of your desktop and will just assume you made ALL of the confessions...or at least the most deviant ones.

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